YTV CRTC Log Viewer / Exporter (convert to human-readable CSV)
Side notes:
c64 music that rules so far:
- Moonracer.sid (just one song, good)
- Alternate_Reality-The_Dungeon.sid (1st song, ok)
- Auf_Wiedersehen_Monty.sid (1st song is all time classic banger)
- Commando.sid
- Crazy_Comets.sid (probably like this more than commando)
- Delta.sid ("The menu-music is based on the theme of Koyaanisqatsi by Philip Glass and the in-game-music is based on Pink Floyd's On the Run." ~wiki)
- Formula_1_Simulator.sid 2/2 is kinda nice sounding end effect lol
- Human_Race.sid (1/5 bit slower build but nice, 5/5 also pretty cool)
- Skate_or_Die_intro.sid
- Thanatos.sid (nice melancholy song)
- Warhawk.sid (gets good after intro)
- Captain_Stark-The_Mission.sid (very cool sound, cover of something but I can't remember)
- Castle.sid (moonlight sonata cover)
- Castle_of_Madness.sid (2006 homebrew game)
- Comet.sid