This page takes YTV CRTC logs and displays them in a human-readable table as well as converts the original log file into a human-readable CSV for download. It may work with other stations, but it is not widely tested with other stations.
Caveat: the human-readable information is derived from Schedule I and Schedule II of the Canadian Television Broadcasting Regulations from 2006 - 2011, 2006 - 2018, respectively; therefore, some translations from CRTC log codes to human-readable format may have discrepencies if they are after 2011.
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Show titles (and commercial names, station ids, etc.), can be searched here. + Add Title adds an additional show to the list and - Remove Title removes it.
Hitting + Add Title once, for one search box, is just looking for one show regardless of what played around it. Hitting + Add Title more than once will search for the given show names in order.
Tolerance specifies the maximum number of slots any two consecutive titles can be away from each other. This is useful for grouping sequences together temporally. Otherwise, some searches may reveal sequences days apart, for instance.
Program Type | Station Callsign | Year | Month | Day | Start Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) | End Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) | Duration (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) | Show Title | Episode Title | Production Companies | Production Number | Country of Origin | Broadcast Origin | Broadcast Type | Production Source | Target Audience Age | Category | Closed Captioning | Language 1 | Language 2 |